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Dianne Williams Wildt, MBA

Certified Retirement Counselor®

Since 1983 in the financial services and investment industry


Retirement Pathways, Inc.

4500 Bowling Blvd., Suite 100

Louisville, KY 40207


Phone:  502-797-1258


Email: dianne@retirementpathways.com

Website: www.retirementpathways.com

September/October 2017

Get smart about back-to-school shopping

Get smart about back-to-school shopping

Back-to-school shopping is big business. In fact, it’s the second biggest shopping season after the winter holidays, according to the National Retail Federation. If you have school-age children, here are some tips to help them get ready for the school year without busting your household budget.

Do your homework

Start with the supply list from your child’s teacher or the school website. If your child already has some of the items on hand from last year, you can reuse them this year. After you edit the supply list down to what you actually need, clip coupons, check circulars and look for online deals. When you do head out to the stores, stick to your list. Consider shopping alone if you have a child who will beg you to purchase items that aren’t on the list.

Learn your lesson

The start of the new school year often is the time when parents purchase new clothing and shoes for their children. Once again, you’ll want to look for sales and only purchase items your child actually needs. You may want to wait to buy winter clothes. If your child is having a growth spurt, boots bought in September might not fit in December. And since kids can outgrow clothes so quickly, consider having a clothing swap with friends who have kids who are different sizes and ages than yours. Consignment shops and thrift stores also are a way to buy trendy clothes for less.

Teach your children

You can turn back-to-school shopping into a learning experience for your kids. Get them involved by having them research and compare prices for items on their lists. When you go to the mall, give them money and let them decide what to buy. You and your children should agree on a list of the things they are responsible for purchasing. Then it’s up to them to figure out that if they splurge on one or two expensive items, they might not have enough to buy the other things on their list. Learning how to stick to a back-to-school budget is a lesson that may serve them well in life.

FINRA Reference FR2017-0427-0092/E 08/02/17


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