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Stephen C. Bach CFP®

Financial Advisor


7:12 Financial LLC

309 Henry Lane

Wallingford, PA 19086


610-892-1718 (Phone/Fax/Text)

September/October 2024

Life Insurance: Consider Your Options

Life insurance* proceeds can provide a financial lifeline for loved ones if something were to happen to you. The type of policy you choose may depend on the length of time you’ll need coverage and the policy’s cost.

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The "New" Identity Theft

As if stealing your personal information to access your bank accounts or open credit in your name isn’t enough to worry about, there’s another form of identity theft taking hold. Deed theft is a type of identity theft that targets your residence, second home or other property.

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Selling Your Home?

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Investing for Retirees

Retirement is a time to kick back and enjoy doing all the things you didn’t have enough time for when you were working. What retirement isn’t, though, is a time to forget about investing. Continuing to invest throughout your retirement years can help protect your nest egg from the effects of inflation, rising healthcare costs and other threats to your financial well-being.

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Understanding Beneficiary Designations

Your will is an important document for passing assets to loved ones when you die, but it doesn’t apply to everything. Life insurance proceeds, retirement accounts, annuities and similar accounts pass through beneficiary designations and are not governed by your will.

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Saving for a Child's Education

It may seem like a long way off, but before you know it, the toddler playing in the dirt will be headed to college. With college costs rising all the time, saving for a child’s education should be a priority. Here are a few ideas that can help you get started.

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A Decade of Home Sales

U.S. home sales are projected to pick up slightly in 2024 and 2025, following a decade low in 2023. High mortgage interest rates and high inflation are considered major factors in the current U.S. housing market.

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7:12 Financial LLC and the above firms are independent and non-affiliated. Lincoln Investment is the provider of 403(b)/457 plans sponsored by employers and your advisor represents Lincoln Investment when offering these plans. 7:12 Financial LLC and LTM Marketing Specialists LLC are unrelated companies. This publication was prepared for the publication’s provider by LTM Client Marketing, an unrelated third party. Articles are not written or produced by the named representative.

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